CRE Information Request to DEA.

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The timely and positive response from the DEA

2nd CRE  Letter to the DEA  (September 12, 2016)



1sr CRE Letter to the DEA    (September 8, 2016)



CRE has submitted a Request for Information to DEA regarding its listing of kratom as a Schedule I narcotic. The information so requested is the DEA letter to HHS as mentioned in the Federal Register which announced the aforementioned listing, which states:

The Administrator [DEA} transmitted notice of his intent to place mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine in schedule I on a temporary basis to the Assistant Secretary[HHS] by letter dated May 6, 2016.

Commentaries on OIRA’s Actions to Install Discipline into the Regulatory Process

Lash Review 

Revesz Livermore

Source Watch

Miller(Manuscript;Part 5, pg. 45)-Tozzi Enforcement Axis


DOD Analysts Fired By An Act of Congress (document  pg. 164)