TPSAC Meeting August 30

See Federal Register Notice

Note: In the comments below a reader addresses CRE’s continued concern about who is writing the TPSAC reports. If this were any proceeding other than tobacco, we seriously doubt that FDA could ignore established rules governing the conduct of FACA committees.

It appears that CRE’s continued statements highlighting the need for Committee members, not FDA,  to write TPSAC reports may be  falling on deaf ears.

CRE will explore a more powerful intervention other than  notice and comment.

3 comments. Leave a Reply

  1. Anonymous

    Who wrote the report that is supposedly coming from the Tobacco Constituents Subcommittee? The industry reps tell us that they knew nothing of the report and were apparently prevented by the FDA from helping to write and or review it. Will the FDA do the same for the menthol report?

  2. Anonymous

    Is there really a report? Briefing materials for the August 30 meeting are now on the TPSAC web page. No report is listed.

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