Editor’s Note: The issue is not wheher e-cigs are safe but whether they are safer than cigarettes. Nothing in the following article suggests that e-cigs are not a safe alternative to cigarettes.
Editor’s Note: Mr Raeburn’s criticism is somewhat misplaced because a significant number of the submissions to the FDA for new products are not available to the public until which time the FDA has reviewed them and initiated a proceeding. In addition Felberbaum’s statement was that historically, prior to the new Act, that the tobacco industry introduced considerably more products than after the Act. If you compare any positive number with zero, the resultant analysis follows.
Knight Journalism Tracker MIT
A story by Michael Felberbaum at The Associated Press on delays in FDA approval of new tobacco products sticks far closer than it should to the industry position on the delays.
Vaping vs. Smoking
If you like e-cigarette smokers, possibilities t hat you don’t know how this item works a’nd how it is different from the conventional tobacco. A sensible ustomer know the primary information about the item which he is using so that he can appreciate its benefits. When you are purchased e-cigarette, you must be sure you are no longer in the black as to the benefits it has over the conventional tobacco.

The court’s decision sets up a potential Supreme Court showdown with Big Tobacco.
A federal appeals court on Wednesday rejected the government’s request for the full court to hear a case on the Food and Drug Administration’s graphic tobacco warning labels, setting up a potential Supreme Court showdown with Big Tobacco.
But first, the government has to decide whether it wants to defend the labels it developed or go back to the drawing board.
The Department of Justice has 90 days to appeal the case to the high court. A spokesman declined to comment on whether it would.
St Louis Dispatch