From: The Daily Caller
Guy Bentley, Reporter
From: JDSupra Business Advisor
by Ryan Blaney | Cozen O’Connor
Days after the publication of the Food and Drug Administration’s controversial final rule regarding e-cigarettes (and other nicotine-delivering products), a company called Nicopure Labs LLC filed a lawsuit challenging it in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Nicopure seeks to have the rule vacated and declared unlawful, and has requested a preliminary injunction barring enforcement of the rule and prohibiting the FDA from taking any action under the rule pending resolution of the lawsuit.
From: Somewhat Reasonable | Heartland Institute Blog
In this episode of the weekly Budget & Tax News podcast, managing editor and research fellow Jesse Hathaway talks about the U.S. Food and Drug Administration new “deeming regulations” for electronic cigarettes, which require e-cigarette manufacturers to submit their products through an arduous federal approval process.
Cynthia Cabrera, president of the Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association, the largest e-cigarette and smoke-free alternative trade association representing the interests of manufacturers, online retailers, small businesses, distributors, importers and wholesalers, and someone who the people in Big Tobacco probably find really annoying, joins Hathaway to talk about the new regulations, and how they will affect consumers, both non-smoking and smoking alike.
From: Parent Herald
By Catherine Armecin, Parent Herald
Per the report, with the new FDA regulation, more than 90 percent would turn to the black market. Meanwhile, over one-fifth of vapers who already quit smoking responded that they would turn to cigarettes.
Additionally, 46 percent planned to increase the amount they smoke. This suggests that e-cigarette smokers would continue to use their choice even if they have to breach the law.
Today the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced what amounts to a slow-motion ban on e-cigarettes, ignoring the pleas of harm reduction advocates who say it makes no sense to prevent smokers from switching to nicotine products that are indisputably much less hazardous than the ones they are using now. The FDA rule, a preliminary version of which was published two years ago, effectively requires e-cigarette manufacturers to get their products approved as “new tobacco products,” an expensive, arduous, and time-consuming process that will be prohibitive for most, if not all, of them.
From: ars technica
Fierce debate erupts as sides fight to protect children and smokers from tobacco.
by Beth Mole
The 2017 Agriculture Appropriations Bill may not seem like a stirring piece of legislation to most, but it raised quite a few eyebrows last week as it passed through a House subcommittee with a key amendment—one that aims to spare the vast majority of electronic cigarettes from impending federal regulations.