A Multidisciplinary Review of Common Law in the Administrative State

Initiating Post and Sponsoring Host

This page is dedicated to publicizing established pathways to our single objective, the initiation  of  A Multidisciplinary Review of Common Law in the Administrative State.


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SSRN announces that the aforementioned CRE article was included in the top tier of downloads over a sixty day period.

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  1. CRE

    CRE has been asked to furnish the readership with some examples of work that ACUS, the Administrative Conference of the US, has performed on subject matter related to the topics under review. CRE will respond to this request in a future post.

  2. CRE

    Establishment of a Task Force on Legal Doctrine

    We are fortunate to have, in a period of only one month, forty individuals demonstrate their interest in this endeavor. The individuals are from a wide range of countries, with a wide range of educational backgrounds and an even wider range in their sphere of influence.

    We understand that these individuals are observers and consequentially their participation does not signal an agreement or disagreement with material presented on the forum. Accordingly we are establishing a Task Force on Legal Doctrine. The initial action to be taken by the Task Force is to delineate a range of options for proceeding. The work product of the Task Force will be shared with all the observers.

    Those interested in joining the Task Force should inform us through the above “Contact” link.

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