CRE Public Policy Projects*

CRE High Priority Projects

Vintage OIRA

A Background Note to Our Readers
* A public policy project is a CRE undertaking which is not rule specific and one for which there is no sponsor.
The homepage of the CRE website states it is an “Archive.” Its focus is on the development and implementation of centralized regulatory review  in the United States dating back to the mid-sixties.  The material presented herein was provided from those individuals who were responsible for implementing the said program. Therefore we have no objection to those who continue to download our site. See Vintage OIRA  for  a highlight of five  observations, the totality of which describe the manifestation of  centralized regulatory review.
                                                               School Safety

Parental Accountability

Information Collection Budget and Regulatory Budget: “Illegitimate” Descendants of the Fiscal Budget

1320.17 Information Collection Budget  (Paperwork Reduction Act)

Each agency’s Senior Official, or agency head in the case of any agency for which the agency head has not delegated responsibility under the Act for any component of the agency to the Senior Official, shall develop and submit to OMB, in such form, at such time, and in accordance with such procedures as OMB may prescribe, an annual comprehensive budget for all collections of information from the public to be conducted in the succeeding twelve months. For good cause, OMB may exempt any agency from this requirement.

Executive Order 12174—Federal Paperwork Reduction

November 30, 1979

Why not a Federally Sponsored Interactive Public Docket Powered by Automated Legal Guidance?

The Administrative Conference of the US (ACUS) issued a defining report on the use of automated tools to address inquiries from the public regarding the content of their legal guidance documents. The aforementioned automated tools include virtual assistants and chatbots and have particular applicability to Interactive Public Dockets (IPD) such as this one.

The ACUS report is titled Automated Legal Guidance at Federal Agencies.

During the public review of this document CRE believes consideration should be given to the following observations:

(1) The size of the Administrative state continues to increase as result in part of the instantaneous communications among individuals therein.