An Interactive Public Docket for the CPFB Auto Finance Program?

CFPB eRegs Team:
Accolades to you for taking actions to improve public access to CFPB  regulatory information.
We at the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness(CRE), in conjunction with our affiliate Federal Focus, have been working on similar projects for a number of years.
We have under consideration  the establishment of  an Interactive Public Docket (IPD) on  one of your ongoing regulatory programs.
Even in  the event we do not proceed you might be interested in learning of our experiences on the  use of eRulemaking.
Consequently I am providing you with background information  on CRE  Interactive Pubic Dockets:
The CRE Federal Financial Forum IPD
The  Federal Focus   eRulemaking.US   website
 CRE is one of the nation’s preimier regulatory watchdogs so it is incumbent upon us to present the views of all parities on a a particular issue; here is a view of a stakeholder who is not supportivie of the use of CRE  Interactive Public Dockets in rulemaking  please see

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