• CRE Comments on Marine Spatial Planning

    The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE) has submitted its comments on Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP) to the National Ocean Council (NOC).  The CRE concluded:

    Coastal Marine Spatial Planning as proposed, is redundant of existing frameworks (i.e. Outer Continental  Shelf Lands Act) for managing ocean uses, it is operating without the requisite Congressionally approved legal authority, and lacks transparency and involvement from stakeholders.  Accordingly, CRE recommends that NOC use existing legislative and regulatory frameworks to manage the ocean. In the alternative, CRE recommends that NOC implements CMSP in a more transparent manner that includes greater involvement by stakeholders and compliance with the Data Quality Act.

    Find the CRE’s comments here: Center for Regulatory Effectiveness Comment on CMSP SAP

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