From: Globes

Israeli cyber figures held an emergency conference on a draft order imposing supervision on cyber systems exports.

Yuval Azulai

The defense establishment and the National Cyber Bureau in the Prime Minister’s Office are considering a change in the order mandating supervision over exports of cyber systems in an attempt to soothe the heads of the companies doing business in this field. The draft order under which the Ministry of Defense will supervise exports of some cyber systems developed and produced in Israel was revealed last week in “Globes,” creating waves in Israeli cyber companies. According to Defense Export Controls Agency director Dubi Lavi, “It is fairly certain that the final version of the supervision order will be changed. At the same time, we will not suspend measures in this matter, because there is an important need for this supervision. In the framework of changes in the wording, we will sharpen the definitions and issue clarifications.” Lavi did not specify the items in the order in which changes would be made.

Lavi today appeared before dozens of senior cyber company officials gathered in what was called an “emergency conference” held by the Herzog, Fox & Ne’eman law firm’s Homeland Security, Cyber, and Regulation division. Senior officials from the National Cyber Bureau involved in formulating the controversial draft order (together with professionals from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Council) also took part in the conference. Under the draft order, exports of cyber systems with intelligence gathering or offensive capabilities will require a special license from the Defense Export Controls Agency. The process for obtaining the license will be the same as for defense companies seeking to export weapon systems to foreign countries.

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