From: SecurityAsia

By  Networks Asia staff

The first global online resource for building cybersecurity capacity has been launched Monday. The Cybersecurity Capacity Portal will help coordinate international efforts in cybersecurity through sharing of information and best practice, to support decisions and investments that can significantly enhance safety and security in cyberspace.

The Cybersecurity Capacity Portal has been created by the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, based at the Oxford Martin School, in partnership with Saïd Business School – both at the University of Oxford. It gives policy-makers, governments, agencies, international and regional organizations, industry groups, academics, NGOs and others with a role in cybersecurity capacity building, information on a wide range of essential elements of cybersecurity; from national policies, regulation and protecting against cybercrime, to encouraging responsible cyber culture and building skills in the workforce and leadership – as well as technological developments to enable better cybersecurity.

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