The Digital Government Institute has announced the following FISMA training seminar:

2011 FISMA: Understanding the New Process, Requirements and Responsibilities

February 14 – February 15, 2011

OMB and NIST over the past year have issued in Special Publication 800-37 the new standards for gaining approval for operating IT systems for all Federal organizations, including the DoD and Intelligence communities. This moved us from a 4-phase Certification and Accreditation (C&A) process to a 6-step Authorization process. This process has radically changed the way the U.S. government is securing and reporting the status of their IT systems. Increased emphasis is now being placed on including risk management, near-real-time awareness, automation, program management, and continuous monitoring concepts and solutions to secure Government IT systems. Also, there are new responsibilities and requirements at all levels within the government and supporting contractor organizations to meet the 2011 FISMA requirements. This 2-day course provides an awareness of strategies for meeting these new requirements.

Additionally, progressive agencies, contractors and integrators are now following the DoD lead and requiring their IT security professionals and system managers to gain this credential to increase their IT security posture or increase their corporate competitive advantage.

This course will be taught by a Certified (ISC)2 Instructor, who has taught CISSP, ISSEP and CAP review courses for over four years. He also brings real-world practical experience from their supporting over 200 FISMA C&A’s for systems in military, public and private sectors.

Course attendees will:
Understand the new NIST SP 800-37, revision 1, authorization process;
Know the new roles, responsibilities, requirements and reports related to FISMA;
Gain a thorough understanding of the six steps in the Risk Management Framework (RMF) process;
Receive tactics to use in getting your system authorized and increase the system’s security;
Review of the information required to pass the CAP certification exam; and
Learn effective strategies for implementing the process and taking the CAP certification exam.

Who Should Attend

The intended audience for the course is for senior information security officers (SISOs), information system owners, project managers, information system security officers (ISSOs), system managers, administrators and their staffs and any individuals seeking to better understand how to secure an IT system and meet FISMA requirements and prepare for the CAP certification examination. This course is recommended for all of these roles from the contractor, integrator, government agency, military and intelligence communities.

Learning Objectives
The learning objectives for this 2-day, Executive, Manager and Operations Level course, are broad ranging and include a number of concepts including understanding the:

New FISMA and NIST Authorization requirements;
Updated NIST SP 800 series documents that support the new process;
Practical method for implementing the new process successfully into your environment and culture;
Methods for reducing the amount of resources and paperwork;
Answers to “How much is enough?” and “How do I pay for improvements?”; and
What information and knowledge is required to pass the CAP certification exam.

What Attendees will Receive
Course Manual, Study Guide, and Training Materials
Copy of the 2011 FISMA Authorization Process Guide: A Review for the (ISC)2® CAP® Certification Exam by James P. Litchko
Copy of the current Office of Management and Budget FISMA guidance
PMI® PMPs: Earn PDUs
(ISC)2® Certifications: Earn CEUs
Continental Breakfast and Lunch

Why Attend?
Gain an increase awareness of the new Authorization process, terminology and requirements, so you can support your agency or client in meeting their OMB and FISMA requirements. Also, prepare to become a CAP certified professional.

For more information

For more information on attending this hands-on seminar, email us: