GAO has released a report on agency CIOs, “FEDERAL CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICERS: Opportunities Exist to Improve Role in Information Technology Management” which notes that CIOs “face limitations in exercising their influence in certain IT management areas.” The report goes on to note that “CIOs do not always have sufficient control over IT investments, and they often have limited influence over the IT workforce, such as in hiring and firing decisions and the performance of component-level CIOs.”
GAO provided OMB with three recommendations to improve the performance of agency CIOs:
• Issue guidance to agencies requiring that CIOs’ authorities and responsibilities, as defined by law and by OMB, are fully implemented, taking into account the issues raised in this report.
• Establish deadlines and metrics that require agencies to demonstrate the extent to which their CIOs are exercising the authorities and responsibilities provided by law and OMB’s guidance.
• Require agencies to identify and document internal lessons learned and best practices for managing information technology.
The complete GAO report is attached below.

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