Editor’s Note: For background informaiton on this issue, see FISMA Focus here.
Tomorrow’s Federal Register will contain a notice from the Federal Communications Commission announcing an investigation into the storm-related disruption of emergency communications in the Mid-Atlantic. The FCC notice is attached here.
From: FCC
SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) is seeking comment on the background, causes, and restoration efforts related to communications services and facilities impacted directly or indirectly by the storm and after. The FCC also seeks comment on the impact these outages had on the various segments of the public, including consumers, hospitals, and public safety entities. This information will develop the record in the Commission’s ongoing examination of issues in the April 2011 Notice of Inquiry (NOI) on the resiliency, reliability and continuity abilities of communications network, including broadband technologies. Comments received in response to this public notice will become part of the record of the NOI.
DATES: Comments may be filed in the docket for this proceeding on or before August 17, 2012. Reply comments may be filed on or before September 4, 2012.

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