Four Markers for Restoring America’s Leadership In the Management of the Regulatory State

To the RPO’s and related staff:

Although the documents in the attachment highlight the contributions of OIRA, it is best to view OIRA as synonym for centralized regulatory review for which the contributions of the RPO’s and their colleagues in the agencies can never be given enough credit.



■ OIRA: The Most Important Government Office You Never Heard of (IVN News, January 29, 2016)

■ Three Reasons Why OIRA Needs A Strong Institutional Base (JREG Notice and Comment , January 27, 2016)

■ Regulatory Deossification Revisited (JREG Notice and Comment, January 25, 2016)

■ The Coming of the Regulatory Budget (Penn Program on Regulation RegBlog, January 8, 2016)

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