• Baucus Comment on Projected Savings from Medicare Competitive Bidding

    Aug 01, 2010 (Congressional Documents and Publications/ContentWorks via COMTEX) — MEMORANDUM To: Reporters and Editors From: Scott Mulhauser and Erin Shields for Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) Re: Baucus Comment on Projected Savings from Medicare Competitive Bidding Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) made the following statement today after the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced its projected savings for the first round of the Medicare competitive bidding program for durable medical equipment. Baucus helped to create this program as part of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 and worked to improve the program in the recent health care reform legislation. From Chairman Baucus: “Medicare should operate transparently and competitively to give seniors the best care possible while giving taxpayers the most for their money. Those principles were critical in health reform and they have also been critical as we’ve worked to make the Medicare competitive bidding program work as effectively as possible. This program allows Medicare to purchase equipment such as walkers and wheelchairs through a bidding process, instead of just setting standard prices for that equipment. Working together, Democrats and Republicans created this program, which will effectively reduce fraud and waste in Medicare.


    1 responses to “Baucus Comment on Projected Savings from Medicare Competitive Bidding” RSS icon

    • OK….if bidding is such a swell idea let’s expand it to other stuff….how about physician services or hospital billing?? I am sure that where there are two hospitals in a town that “bidding” on which one survives will REALLY lower the price Medicare pays for hospitals….and they are a LOT bigger piece of the pie then the lowly home medical providers.

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