How Should “Administrative Law” Be Taught Today? The Federalist Society Podcast

Editor’s Note: See, CRE’s letter to the ABA here and see the meeting Agenda of the ABA’s Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar which includes CRE’s recommendation.  

From: The Federalist Society

Administrative Law & Regulation Practice Group Podcast

Featuring Adam J. White, Jim Tozzi, Daniel Farber,Kristin Hickman

October 13, 2016

Listen to Podcast here

The growing role of the administrative agencies in American government is mirrored by a growing role of administrative law in legal education. The trend is exemplified by many law schools’ introduction of “Legislation and Regulation” (or “Leg-Reg”) as a first-year course.

But as the administrative stats and administrative law grow and change, how should the curriculum change?

Read Complete Podcast Overview

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