OMB/OIRA Conclude Executive Order Review of GOM Take Rules for Oil and Gas Seismic

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OMB/OIRA) has been reviewing NOAA/NMFS’ draft  fnal Marine Mammal Act (MMPA) Take Rules for oil and gas geological surveys (oil and gas seismic) in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). OMB /OIRA’s review has been conducted under Presidential Executive Order 12866. OMB/OIRA concluded their review June 11, 2020, and issued a statement that states in part “Economically Significant: Yes” and  “COMPLETED ACTION: Withdrawn.”

These statements apply to the draft final GOM Take Rules, which cannot be published as Final Rules without OMB/OIRA approval under Executive Order  12866.

To access OMB/OIRA’s statement, click here and scroll down to the Department of Commerce entry DOC-NOAA 0648-BB38 .

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