Study Finds GOM Offshore Industry at Risk

by Matthew V. Veazey

Editor’s note:  Rigzone published the above titled article, which reads as follows

Potential leasing and drilling bans threaten the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) oil and natural gas industry’s contribution to U.S. energy production, employment, gross domestic product (GDP) and government revenues, according to a new National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) study.

Citing calls for no offshore drilling by former Vice President and presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and others, NOIA contends political efforts to curb offshore production would harm the Gulf Coast and national economies.

Association of Geophysical Contractors Webinar: Energy in the Time of COVID featuring Dr. Scott Tinker

Tuesday, May 19, 2020 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM CST

Zoom Meeting

The IAGC is hosting a Webinar: Energy in the Time of COVID, featuring Dr. Scott Tinker, Chairman of Switch Energy Alliance to facilitate a discussion about where the oil and gas industry will be post-COVID19.

IAGC has set up a Virtual Screening Room to stream the global energy documentary Switch On, the highly anticipated sequel to Switch! Watch Now!

Our streaming page will be available for 1-month to an unlimited number of viewers. Share this link with friends and colleagues and enjoy the film!

Click here for more information and relevant links.

NOLA Seismic Court Extends Settlement Stay to June 4, 2020

On April, 29, 2020, the United District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana granted the parties stipulated motion to extend the settlement deadline in the Gulf of Mexico oil and gas seismic case. The court extended the settlement stay from May 5, 2020, to June 4, 2020. The parties’ stay motion stated in part:

“Federal Defendants have informed the parties that making the necessary revisions to the MMPA rule and securing the necessary reviews and coordination will require additional time and prevent NMFS from completing Final Action by May 5, 2020. NMFS and BOEM therefore have initiated discussions amongst the parties regarding an extension of the litigation stay beyond May 5, 2020. The Parties presently seek a 30-day extension of the litigation stay as an interim measure to allow them to continue their discussions.”