DHI has sent out the following press release:
“(dhigroup.com) is running a course in end of September on Risk Assessment of Environmental Noise Impacts, which is available for booking.
The impacts of underwater noise on marine mammals have become an increasingly important issue for marine industries such as dredging, shipping, wind farm operations and oil and gas exploration and production. Noise assessments, investigating impacts on marine mammals are required for many marine activities with Regulators being increasingly aware of the issues as well.
DHI has been on the forefront in researching noise impacts on whales dolphins, porpoises and other marine life, developing frameworks for assessing them and for providing real solutions that can be used as tools in EIAs. By combining ocean acoustics and marine mammal science, DHI developed its new risk based approach to noise assessment. Join us for a course to learn more. The course will cover the latest guidance on assessing impacts on marine mammals. We will also provide interpretation of the outputs of noise modelling and the subsequent biological impact and risk assessments on marine mammals.
21st – 22nd of September in San Diego, CA – for further info and registration go to
You can get an appetizer using this link