Marine Mammal Passive Acoustics Workshop

The International Association of Geophysical Contractors published the following notice:

International Workshop on Detection, Classification, Localization, and Density Estimation of marine mammals using passive acoustics
Monday, June 04, 2018 – Friday, June 08, 2018CST

The 8th session of the International Workshop on Detection, Classification, Localization, and Density Estimation of marine mammals using passive acoustics (DCLDE Workshop) will be held from 4 to 8 June 2018, in Paris, FRANCE.

Scientific topics given by oral presentations and posters will be:
– detection of pulsed and harmonic sounds
– classification of diverse sounds including clicks, whiales and vocalizations
– localization of marine mammals
– estimation of population density
– acoustic propagation models
– innovative engineering including new materials and tools
– big data analytics
– study of sound generator of marine mammals
– underwater soundscapes: description of environmental acoustics and sounds from human activities

The important dates are:
Nov 1st, 2017: Opening of participant registration
Nov 1st, 2017: Opening of the data set for the Challenge
Feb 1st, 2018: Deadline for abstract submission
March 1st, 2018: Notification of abstract status (accepted or declined)
April 1st, 2018: Deadline for early registration
June 4th: 2 Thematic tutorial sessions: detection/classification, and Density Estimation
June 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th: Oral presentations, posters, exhibitions

As part of this conference, we are also organizing a computer challenge aimed at automatically detecting and classifying sound events describing underwater acoustic landscapes. Please contact Prof. Hervé Glotin ( for any question.

Finally, for this new session of the DCLDE Workshop in Paris, we are happy to welcome public and private companies to come and present their products and services. Feel free to contact me directly (

Please find all the information on our website.

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