Marine Mammal Commission Meeting With NOAA’s Southeast Fisheries Center: A Cornucopia of Science Based Information

The Marine Mammal Commission sponsorsed a meeting with NOAA’s Southeast Fisheries Center on January 25, 2013. Some of the most informed scientists in the marine science field made presentations.  As a result of the kind of efforts of Dr. Ragen, the MMC Executive Director, the audio presentations and related visual presentations have  made available to the public.

In the attachments below you will note the first four audio presentations are followed by briefing slides.

We call your particular attention to page 9 of the last attachment which describes work on passive acoustic monitoring.

53 and Counting: The Number of Public Comments Submitted on Navy Sonar Takes of Marine Mammals

One week has passed since the NMFS issuance of the Take Notice for Navy Sonar. In this short period of time, final comments are not due until March 11, the agency has received 53 comments.

 As of this date, February 7, NMFS has not published the comments on

When NMFS acts, CRE will post the more influential comments on this Interactive Public Docket to allow the public to  comment on the same both during  and after the close of the public comment period.