All material submitted to the FTC regarding its Google Inquiry must, by statute, meet the standards of the Data Quality Act.(DQA) CRE will move in select instances to advise the FTC of non-DQA compliant submissions.
Nearly four years ago the American Antitrust Institute opposed the Google acquisition of DoubleCick. In its submission, attached below, to the FTC the AAI stated:
“The available evidence suggests that online advertising is sufficiently distinct that a monopolist in the sale of online advertising would be able to increase prices a small but significant amount without losing so many sales to offline sources to make the price increase unprofitable”
The aforementioned statement must meet the FTC DQA Guidelines. The Washington Post has written an article on the Data (Information) Quality Act.
Readers are encouraged to furnish their views on this matter simply by typing them in the “comments” section below.—no registration is need and the comments can be anonymous. In formulating their views our readers are encouraged to examine information in the Discussion Forums at the right hand side of this page.
Those readers wishing to provide additional analyses can also use the Discussion Forum by including attachments to their submissions.
CRE will make periodic submissions to the FTC based upon its analysis of the comments received from the public.
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