Smuggling honey into New Zealand isn’t sweet

October 22, 2014

Editor’s Note: New Zealand has used neonicotinoids for two decades. The threats posed to the country’s bees are from varroa and other parasites and pathogens.

From: Federated Farmers

Smuggling honey into New Zealand isn’t sweet

Federated Farmers Bee Industry Group applauds the tough line taken by Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Border Staff at Auckland Airport. In deporting the couple found trying to smuggle bee products into New Zealand, not only does it underscore how serious Biosecurity is taken here, it could have prevented an economic disaster.


“Varroa has cut a swathe through wild bee stocks while massively affecting the health of managed beehives. This has reduced the bee pollination workforce we have and is costing us beekeepers millions of dollars each year with ongoing Varroa treatments.

“Any threat to honeybees could have a disastrous effect upon not only our honey industries but any primary industry relying on pollination, especially pastures like clover. The risk is measurable in the billions and smuggled honey and pollen carries ‘risk’ in flashing red lights.


“This means no bee products or beekeeping equipment coming into New Zealand given the risk of bee diseases and pests let alone the risk to our primary industries,” Mr Hantz concluded.

Read Complete Media Release

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