Archives – November, 2015

Colony Collapse Disorder Eight Years Later

From: Entomological Society of America

Annapolis, MD: November 9, 2015 — A symposium on honey bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) will be held Sunday November 15 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon at the Minneapolis Convention Center during the annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America (ESA). Honey bee experts from all over the U.S. will discuss factors that may contribute to CCD, such as Varroa mites, pesticide residues, pesticide formulations, honey bee habitat, and honey bee genetics.

Leave a Comment November 10, 2015

Australia Leads in Efforts to Solve Bee Mystery

From: The Diplomat

Bees are disappearing, and the CSIRO is taking the lead in trying to find out why

By Helen Clark

Mass bee die-offs threaten food security around the world, but a global big data initiative led by the Australian Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation is microchipping bees in the hope of discovering some of the causes of these yet-unexplained deaths.

Leave a Comment November 9, 2015

Little vials of bee semen key to Varroa fight



A NEW plan is afoot to ramp up Aussie bees’ resistance to the deadly Varroa mite.

Also known as Varroa destructor, the parasitic mite is the biggest threat to Australia’s honey bee industry, according to CSIRO researchers Saul Cunningham and Paul De Barro.

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Leave a Comment November 6, 2015

UBC genomic project aims to breed a better honeybee

From: The Vancouver Sun

Bees will better resist Canada’s diseases and parasites

By Randy Shore, Vancouver Sun


Honeybee colonies in Canada and around the world have been plagued by die-offs in recent years, driven in part by the spread of varroa mites and the diseases they carry.

“The viruses passed on varroa mites are in many cases more harmful than the mites themselves,” said Foster.

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Leave a Comment November 5, 2015

Glyphosate is no bee killer

From: Genetic Literacy Project

Honey bees have had a rough decade or so. Starting in 2006, Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) started to empty hives of these precious pollinators. While CCD appeared to have ebbed by 2012, honey bee losses, mostly linked to different factors, remained high enough to be of concern to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. And earlier this summer the White House announced that Interagency Pollinator Health Task Force would begin digging into the problem further.

Leave a Comment November 3, 2015

Nosema ceranae – emergence & hope



We ‘ummed and ahhed’, but came to no firm conclusions on the day. Nosema apis (the older version) was considered, but since there was no evidence of dysentery on the front of the hives, it was discounted.  Similarly there were no signs of excessive Varroa populations or of either American or European Foulbrood. We left the apiary mystified. We didn’t then know much about the new version of Nosema ceranae that was emerging and proving to be a killer in other countries. On reflection, we now think the new variant was the culprit.


Leave a Comment November 3, 2015

Another bungled correlation study on bee health dangers of neonics

From: Genetic Literacy Project

What would you say about a government study claiming to show a connection between coffee and cancer—but it didn’t take into account that most of its study subjects were chain-smoking uranium miners who preferred to sunbathe without sunscreen?

You’d probably think it wasn’t very credible; or maybe it was a story in the satirical news organization The Onion.

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Leave a Comment November 2, 2015

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