Red, White, and Blue Bar

What's New

What's New in FedLaw

Red, White, and Blue Bar

FedLaw is being updated continually. Listed here are the more significant or noteworthy changes.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

January 25, 2001

All of the Presidential Executive Orders for 1993 through 2000 and OMB Circulars have been removed from the White House web page. They will be replaced with links to the GPO Access site. These broken links have been eliminated from the Topical Index and the Federal Laws and Regulations section.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

July 20, 2000

The Privacy Policy has been added.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

July 2, 2000

A dedication to the late Ida Ustad has been to the section on Acquisition.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

January 2, 2000

The Topical Index has been expanded to include more categories, making it faster to research.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

December 6, 1999

45 Presidential Executive Orders have been added, bringing the list up-to-date.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

August 12, 1999

Due to the inability to keep the state law sections up-to-date, I am removing them from FedLaw, which will now concentrate on the Federal level - legal, administrative, and judicial. In the Topoical Index under "S", there are some general sites which cover all states, which will remain; for instance State Bar Associations; State Courts, National Center for; State General Arbitration Statutes in the United States; State Governments, Council of; State Judiciaries; State Public Service Commissions; and State securities regulators.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

April 25, 1999

The Federal Judiciary section has been updated to add 17 District Courts and 9 Bankruptcy Courts.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

December 18, 1998

The Numerical Listing of Executive Orders has been updated to add several E.O.s on Critical Infrastructure Support.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

September 6, 1998

The Federal Judiciary section has been updated to add 22 District Courts and 20 Bankruptcy Courts.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

August 28, 1998

74 new Presidential Executive Orders have been added, bringing the listing up to the present.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

August 5, 1998

The Arbitration and Mediation section has been updated since the American Arbitration Association had changed most of its links and the previous references no longer worked.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

June 18, 1998

The Federal Judiciary section has been updated to add 10 District Courts and 8 Bankruptcy Courts.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

April 5, 1998

232 Presidential Executive Orders have been added, 214 of them from the Administration of President John Kennedy, hosted by the University of Michigan.

In What's New, links have been established for 1998 to demonstrate the new material that has been added.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

March 25, 1998

23 Presidential Executive Orders, hosted by the Army Corps of Engineers and many dealing with the environment, were added. Many are older ones not available electronically elsewhere.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

March 17, 1998

Navigational buttons have been added to the left side of the page for most of the topics in Federal Laws and Regulations to make it easier to get around.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

February 18, 1998

The Federal Judiciary section has been updated to remove out-of-date links and to add new sources, including 17 Bankruptcy Courts.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

January 30, 1998

Links were added at the top of the page for each heading in the "Topical and Title Index" to allow for easier navigation within the Index.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

January 28, 1998

The Presidential Executive Orders that are available electroniclly have been added to the first heading under "Federal Laws and Regulations." Relevant ones are being added to the various topical areas.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

November 3, 1997

The references to Presidential Executive Orders were removed from the Topical and Title Index since those links no longer work.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

September 27, 1997

AN APOLOGY - I just discovered that the White House has changed the URLs for all of the Executive Orders they had previously posted on the Internet without leaving a forwarding link. Consequently, hundreds of links in FedLaw no longer work. Executive Orders from sources other than the White House still work. I will correct this problem as soon as I can.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

September 20, 1997

Some letters in the "Topical and Subject Index" have been divided into two sets to allow faster access. Other letters will be divided as needed.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

August 30, 1997

"What's New" is added. State law pages are restructured and state flags are added.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

May-June 1997

The Cornell Legal Information Institute Table of Popular Names for the U.S. Code is being reviewed and relevant laws added to FedLaw. The letters done so far are 1, A, B, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, L, O, P, Q, R, T, V, X, Y and Z.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

April 22, 1997

Each category of the Federal Laws and Regulations section is being restructured into sections labeled Laws, Regulations, and Other. Home Pages for Federal departments and agencies that relate to the subject matter are being added under Other.

Red, White, and Blue Bar

March 30, 1997

A Topical and Title Index was added to the Introductory Page. These links will take you directly to the topics listed. It will be updated and enlarged as new entries are added to FedLaw.

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